Behringer Introduces Grind Synth Module, A Mashup Of Crave + Brains

Behringer Grind is a hybrid semi-modular synth that borrows oscillators from a beloved Mutable Instruments module. Bringing together a variety of digital oscillators with an analogue ladder filter and 34-point patchbay, Grind joins Edge and Crave in Behringer’s Producer series.

Today, Behringer introduced the Grind, a new synth design in their Producer Series line, which includes the Crave and Edge synthesizers.

Grind is a hybrid synth that packs a considerable amount of sonic firepower into a lightweight and affordable package.

While the Crave & Edge in Behringer’s Producer series take ‘inspiration’ from Moog’s Mother family of semi-modular, Eurorack-compatible synthesizers, the Behringer Grind is ‘mashup’ design. The Grind looks more like a semi-modular take on the Arturia MicroFreak, a hybrid synth that also pairs a selection of digital oscillators (including the Plaits engines) with analogue filters.

The key difference is that the Grind offers 24 oscillator options, going far beyond the limited waveform options typically available on analog synths.

Grind’s hybrid architecture pairs a comprehensive selection of digital oscillators with a 24dB analogue ladder filter. Among the 24 oscillator types we have virtual analogue, wavetable, additive, waveshaping, Karplus-Strong and FM synthesis, along with Yamaha DX7 and Roland TR-303 emulations.

The hybrid synth engine gives the Grind a much broader range of sound possibilities. The Grind intro video showcases sounds that range from traditional subtractive synth sounds to wavetable sounds to 303-style baseline riffs.

Behringer Grind Demo Video:

Like Behringer’s Brains module, 15 of Grind’s synth engines were originally developed by boutique synth company Mutable Instruments for the widely beloved but now-discontinued Plaits module; Mutable Instruments founder Émilie Gillet made the code for the company’s modules open-source before closing down the company in 2022.

Grind is equipped with an arpeggiator and 32-step sequencer which can record and store up to eight banks of 64 patterns. Grind’s 34-point patchbay gives you more opportunity for modulation and allows you to hook the instrument up with other bits of gear or integrate it into your Eurorack set-up.

Though it’s monophonic, Grind can be poly-chained with additional Behringer synths to create a polyphonic synth of up to 16 voices controllable from a single MIDI controller. On the connectivity front, Grind offers MIDI In, Out and Thru, MIDI USB and two 3.5mm audio outputs.


  • Hybrid synthesizer with multi-engine digital oscillator and analog filter
  • Capable of wide range of sounds, including percussion, leads, basses & drums
  • 24 digital oscillators, including 15 Mutable Instruments Plaits engines
    • Synthesis models designed for pitched sounds like ripping leads, lush chords and ethereal pads
    • 10 synth engines: Virtual Analog, Waveshaper, FM, Grains, Additive, Chords, Speech, Karplus, Hypersaw and Wavetable
    • 10 percussion and noise engines: Rain, Noise, Dust, Modal Strings, FM Drum, Bass, Snare, Hi Hat, Cowbell and Tom
    • 4 extended engines: DX7, TD-3 Bassline, Wave Generator and Vox
  • Oscilloscope mode to monitor any input signal
  • Multi-functional Timbre and Harmonics controls
  • Morph control to seamlessly change the character of the selected sound sources
  • Classic 24 dB ladder filter with resonance
  • Switchable low/high pass filter mode for enhanced sound creation
  • 32-step sequencer with 64 onboard storage slots
  • Arpeggiator with wide patterns for great sound effects
  • Analog triangle/square wave LFO
  • 16-voice Poly Chain allows combining multiple synthesizers for up to 16 voice polyphony
  • Semi-modular design with default routings requires no patching for immediate performance
  • 22 x 12 I/O matrix for flexible patching options
  • 50 controls give you direct and real-time access to important parameters
  • MIDI support

The Behringer Grind is priced at $199 and is shipping from the factory. Availability at retailers typically follows within 1-2 months.

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