Cherry Audio Releases Filtomika Plugin + Module Collection

Cherry Audio has unveiled Filtomika Effect Plugin and the Cherry Audio/MRB Filtomika Module Collection for Voltage Modular.

The new effects are based on the Polivoks synthesizer and the multi-mode filter from Cherry Audio’s recently released Atomika synthesizer.

Filtomika Filter Effect Plugin

The Filtomika effect plugin is designed to extend the Polivoks filter beyond creator Vladimir Kuzmin’s original programmable op-amp filter design, with features like:

  • Extended waveforms for its syncable LFO modulator: ramp, sawtooth, triangle, square, noise, and random (sample & hold).
  • Expanded filter response modes, including highpass, notch, and peak, in addition to standard lowpass and bandpass modes.
  • Atomika’s unique Starve, Filter Drive, and Amp Drive controls for a broader creative sound palette.
  • An envelope follower that allows the relative amplitude of input signals to control cutoff frequency for wicked auto-wah effects.

Additional features include a user-friendly preset browser with over 30 production-ready presets. It offers comprehensive MIDI control and DAW automation, including intuitive MIDI mapping capabilities. Filtomika is suitable for both mono and stereo sources, as an insert or bus effect, and the plugin is provided in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.

Filtomika is available for $19 at and from authorized resellers. Registered owners of Atomika purchasing Filtomika directly from Cherry Audio receive an exclusive 20% discount ($15) at checkout. A free 30-day trial is also available.

Filtomika Module Collection for Voltage Modular

Also available is the Cherry Audio/MRB Filtomika Module Collection, designed for Cherry Audio’s Voltage Modular virtual modular platform. The collection includes:

  • Filtomika Module and Poly Filtomika Module, with poly-style I/O for deeper modulations.
  • Over 50 presets designed for patch categories like Arpeggios, Basses, Pads, Leads, Polys, and more.

Available through Cherry Audio for only $14.99, the Filtomika Module Collection provides a flexible way to integrate Mark Barton’s astounding Atomika filter designs into the modular workflow.

Visit for additional product details and system requirements, as well as a collection of preset sound demos for both Filtomika and the Cherry Audio/MRB Filtomika Module Collection for Voltage Modular.

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