Audiomodern Soundbox MPE Sampler: A Powerful All-In-One Virtual Instrument Platform

Today’s samplers can emulate the nuanced sounds of pretty much any instrument you can think of, and probably a fair few that you can’t.

Far from reaching ‘peak sampling’, though, the concept continues to evolve, as evidenced by Audiomodern’s Soundbox, a new software sampler that supports MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) and is crafted to introduce Audiomodern’s cutting-edge virtual instruments and also enables you to build your own instruments from scratch.

As its name almost suggests, Soundbox is a true sonic playground, offering more power and flexibility than traditional sampling platforms. You’ll find modular effects, a Vector engine and powerful modulation options, and your finished creations can be shared with other Soundbox users.

The MPE support ensures that players and programmers can get the absolute best out of them. If you have a suitable MPE controller, each note can be tweaked on a per-note basis by deploying horizontal and vertical movements and varying the pressure. This gives you many more opportunities for expression as you perform and record.

Thankfully, all of these features are packed into a clean and visually pleasing interface, so getting the most out of them won’t be a problem. There’s compatibility across Windows, Mac and iPad, as well, so no one needs to miss out.

The Audiomodern Soundbox instruments are available now with an intro price of €29 each, or in a bundle for €79. To find out more and start playing, head over to the Audiomodern site.

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