iPad Orchestral Jam

This video captures a performance, by Colin Powell, for iPad, running Iconica Sketch, Fugue Machine and GeoShred:

What Powell shared about the performance:

“Following the release of Steinberg’s Iconic Sketch for iPad, and watching ?@TheSoundTestRoom’s video using Fugue Machine to control several instances of Iconica, I decided to do something similar, but added GeoShred, so I could play a melody over the top.”

Iconica Sketch is a new virtual orchestra instrument that can run on iOS devices. Fugue Machine is a sequencing app for iOS that works like a ‘piano roll’ style sequencer, but with four playback heads, with independent control over each playback head’s speed, direction, and pitch. GeoShred turns your iPad into a synthesizer that offers polyphonic expressive control.

Watch the video and share your thoughts on it in the comments!

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