Build A Custom DIY Effects Pedal With Daisy Seed + Hothouse Case

Synthesist Floyd Steinberg shared this look at creating DIY effects pedals with the Electrosmith Daisy Seed & the Hothouse pedal kit.

The Electrosmith Daisy Seed is a powerful microcontroller for music applications. Cleveland Music’s “Hothouse” DIY pedal kit turns the Daisy Seed into a hardware pedal. The combination lets you create your own DSP effects and digital synthesizers, without resorting to “breadboard” prototyping.

Topics covered:

00:00 hi
01:00 build it
07:05 install the development environment
07:38 compile the examples
11:00 example 01 – mod delay
11:54 example 02 – shimmer delay
12:41 example 03 – tri chorus
13:20 example 04 – tremolo reverb
14:05 example 05 – synth, with mod delay
15:26 bye

The Hothouse kit is available now for $89, and the Daisy Seed is available for $22.05

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