Vlad Kreimer on SOMA FLUX Expressive Synthesizer at Superbooth 2024

At Superbooth 2024, held May 16-18 in Berlin, SOMA Laboratory founder Vlad Kreimer gave a performance demo of their new FLUX expressive synthesizer.

Like the theremin, the FLUX is played gesturally, using your hands to control pitch and volume. The FLUX uses magnetic ‘bows’ and a sensor strip, though, which allows for much more precise and repeatable control over pitch, while still supporting continuous expressive control, like the theremin.

Kreimer’s performance shows the expressive performance control and timbral range of the FLUX.

Watch the video and share your thoughts on the FLUX in the comments!

Event Summary:

“Vlad Kreimer the founder of SOMA labs presents a unique synthesizer FLUX based on magnetic principles.

In many ways, FLUX is inspired by the Theremin and inherits its core feature – the unique opportunity of controlling sound by moving your hands in the air without touching any object.

FLUX is the musicality and expression of classical instruments, such as violin or vocals, enriched by new timbres and the flexibility of postmodern instruments, harnessing the power of current technology.”

The SOMA FLUX is currently under development, with a release targeted for the end of 2024.

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