Teenage Engineering Latest Firmware Update turns OP-1 Field synth into a Vocoder


Teenage Engineering’s latest firmware update has added a vocoder to its OP-1 Field synth.

Available to anyone who installs the latest firmware – a previous update added velocity-sensitivity to the OP-1 Field’s keyboard – you can load the vocoder into any sound slot. After you have selected your input source – mic, headset, radio or USB – the audio (modulator) is run through a bank of 20 filters with controllable bandwidth and formant shift, with the carrier signal being a built-in 7-oscillator polyphonic synth.

The OP-1 Field’s encoders give you fast control over the synth engine, formant shifting, number of bands and dry/wet mix.

Find out more and download the firmware update on the Teenage Engineering website. The OP-1 Field costs $1,999/£1,999.


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