How to Recreate Vintage Monosynths with Eurorack Modules & Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ

In the video, Julien “Stazma” Guillot demonstrates recreating a vintage monosynth, the Roland SH-5, using Eurorack modules and the Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ keyboard rack.


Guillot calls the project ‘a bit of fun’, but shows how you can use the NiftyKEYZ to recreate classic analog synth designs – or to create whatever custom design you can imagine…..

Topics covered:


00:00 Intro

01:36 The audio patch

02:42 Basic control

04:17 Lfos and Sample & Hold

05:19 Sync & noodling

08:35 A bit more on Sample & Hold

11:09 Using noise & more noodling

12:48 No Ringmod so let’s use “Amplitude Modulation” instead

15:42 End Talk



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