Bela Announces Gliss Modular Touch Controller for Eurorack Synthesizers

Bela has announced that Gliss, a precise touch controller for Eurorack modular synthesizers – is now available.

Gliss uses a recordable touch sensor to introduce gestural control into modular systems. It produces two high-resolution signals: one following your finger’s position, the other following touch size. These signals are available via two CV outputs, offering two distinct but related dimensions of control to route around your system.

Gestures can be recorded for up to 75 seconds and then can be looped, triggered or clocked, facilitating everything from touch-controlled, long-form modulation signals, to custom LFOs, envelopes and oscillators.

Additionally, Gliss is a powerful visualization tool that diffuses LEDs through its faceplate to provide clear feedback of both internal and external signals. These both illuminate and track your gestures but also enables you visualize external modulation sources. And those external signals can be clipped, offset, scaled and smoothed on the fly by touch.

Gliss packs in a variety of features through its concise menu system, providing a tuneable five-key keyboard with glissando and vibrato, five-step sequencer, waveshaper, wavetable and more.

Gliss is also open source, allowing users to hack, remix and extend the module.


  • Control your modules directly, with touch position and touch size available as control voltages
  • Record in gestures up to 75 seconds
  • Loop recorded gestures to create LFOs with custom waveforms
  • Trigger recorded gestures for custom envelopes
  • Play a tuneable five-key keyboard with glissando and vibrato
  • Scale, clip, offset and visualise external CV and audio signals

Gliss is available now for $149. The project is available via Github.

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