Wavefonix Procyon Monophonic Synthesizer Sneak Preview
Ahead of Superbooth 2023, being held in Berlin May 11-13, Wavefonix shared a sneak preview of their upcoming Procyon monophonic synthesizer.
Wavefonix makes a variety of analog Eurorack modules, along with complete Eurorack systems.
Here’s what they say about it:
“We’d like to introduce you to our first dedicated monophonic synthesizer – the Procyon (still a work in progress).
It will feature two CEM3340 VCOs, a SSI2140 VCF, MIDI interfacing and a wide range of modulation capabilities, including Eurorack compatible CV inputs.”
In addition, they announced two polyphonic Eurorack modules, the P402 Poly-4 VCO and P403 Poly-4 Signal Processor.:
The modules, along with others, allow you to build a compact and versatile 4-voice polyphonic Eurorack system.
- The P402 Poly-4 VCO is the smaller sibling of their P802 Poly-8 VCO. They’ve added common controls, allowing for global control of all four VCOs.
- The P403 Poly-4 Signal Processor adds a mixer, VCF and VCA elements to each voice, with a wide range of modulation potential.
Details are still to be announced at the Wavefonix website.