SOMA Terra Synthesizer In-Depth Review

Host Ziv Eliraz, in his latest loopop video, takes his usual in-depth look at the new SOMA Terra, a unique synthesizer that SOMA describes as “a highly conceptual device”.

Behind the extremely simple interface hides a complex polyphonic, microtonal synthesizer, with a broad and flexible sound palette that ranges from classical beautiful tones to complex atonal noise, with smooth and fast transitions between these extremes.

Like other SOMA instruments, the Terra is not designed to compete with other traditional electronic instruments, but to explore new territory. Or, as Eliraz notes, “It’s not the best of a certain regular category, it’s its own category. ”

The Terra is expected to be released some time in 2023, with pricing TBA. Find out details on the SOMA Labs website. Watch the video and share your thoughts on the SOMA Terra in the comments!

Topics covered:

0:00 Intro

2:20 Note sensors

3:30 Timbre sensors

4:10 Pitch shifters

5:30 Gyro

6:15 Holds

6:40 The Triangle

7:30 Envelopes

8:00 Effects

8:35 Sea & sun

9:10 Engine controls

10:50 LFO & Arp

12:00 Presets

12:50 Connectivity

13:30 Synth params


17:00 Evil synthesis

18:35 Church organ?

20:15 Dist. ecstasy


20:50 Gyro feedback

21:00 Drum synth

21:20 FM

21:55 Rate @ 50%

22:20 BASS

22:35 Smart glides

23:10 Expressive 303

23:30 SOLO

24:25 Formants

24:45 MIDI out

26:55 Pros & cons

29:30 Outro


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