Behringer LmDrum Drum Machine In-Depth Demo

Today, Behringer  shared this in-depth video demo for their new LmDrum drum machine.

While the LmDrum case, name and styling position it as a knockoff of the classic Linn Electronics LinnDrum, it’s actually a very different design, supporting sampling and on-board sample editing.

In the video, Patrick (aka PatchDog) offers a deep dive into the LmDrum:

The Behringer LmDrum has been one of the company’s more controversial introductions, because of its unauthorized copying of the LinnDrum.

LinnDrum creator Roger Linn shared his take on the LmDrum over the weekend, noting “It is clearly intended to evoke my 1982 LinnDrum drum machine, borrowing its visual style, control layout, colors and logo style, as well as copying its sounds and those of my LM-1 and Linn9000 drum machines.”

The Behringer LMDrum is now shipping from their factory, priced at $399. It typically takes several months from when they start shipping for new introductions to be available at retailers.

Watch the video, and then share your thoughts on the Behringer LmDrum in the comments!

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