Woovebox is ‘the Smallest Micro Music Workstation on the Planet’

The Woovebox is a micro music workstation – pocket groovebox, synthesizer, sequencer, sampler + drum machine – that its developers all ‘the smallest all-in-one micro music workstation on the planet.’

Woovebox features 16-part multi-timbral synthesis, sequencing and sampling, USB and wireless connectivity, 10 hours of battery life and more.


  • Synthesizer
    • 16 part multi-timbral / 16 tracks (1 x 4-voice polyphonic track + 15 x 4-voice paraphonic or mono tracks)*
    • 16 versatile synthesis algorithms
    • 17 low-aliasing oscillator models + up to 256 user samples
    • Virtual Analog, FM, Super Saw, AM, RingMod, x0x percussion, more
    • 2 oscillator models per voice
    • 1 multi-mode filter per voice (10 filter types)
    • 2 x AEG, FEG, multiple LFOs per voice
    • global multi-FX; reverb, stereo chorus, 2 x stereo delay
    • per-voice FX; distortion, saturation, bit crushing, resampling, global multi-FX sends
    • per-voice dynamics; compressor/limiter, 4-bus side-chaining, gating
    • master compressor/limiter, vinyl and noise effects
    • emulates vintage digital, analog and organic sounds
    • extensive, complex sound design capabilities
  • Sequencer
    • 16 songs x 16 tracks x 16 patterns x 16 steps
    • fast workflow; create new intricate song ideas in minutes
    • polyrhythms, generative, arpeggio and x0x-style patterns
    • use scales, modes, chord types and inversions, w/o music theory
    • per-step conditionals, 100+ step modifier type, probabilities
    • pattern chaining, pattern muting conditions
    • micro-timing and swing
    • song mode with per-fragment transformation and automation
    • send sync and MIDI to control connected gear
    • exports songs as WAV (song, stems dry & wet)
    • undo functionality
  • Sampler
    • 62s @ 44.1kHz 8-bit mu-law compressed (~12-bit effective) w/reconstructive interpolation
    • 16 user kits x 16 samples
    • dedicated 3.5mm line-input
    • digital sample import via Bluetooth
    • mangle, slice, chop, re-arrange samples
    • add new oscillators, one-shots and loops
    • multi-sample, single instrument support
    • use live input as an oscillator model
    • re-sample internal synthesizer
    • automatic space management and optimization
    • undo functionality

The Woovebox is priced at $249, with availability expected for late October 2023.


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