X Audio Systems VCRadio brings Voltage-Controlled Radio to Eurorack

X Audio Systems has introduced VCRadio, a voltage-controlled FM/AM/SW stereo radio receiver for Eurorack modular synthesizers.

The unit generates a continuous stream of audio content, noises, squelches and broadcasts, depending on where you are located in the world. The unit will easily pick-up any station or noises lurking at any frequency within the selected range.

You can modulate the CV input to create beats/patterns of mixed radio signals and noises.



  • 1 radio receiver (FM – AM – 6 bands of Short Wave)
  • 2 LEDs for indicating if the radio signal is strong (STATION) or stereo (STEREO)
  • 1 CV Input (with gain) to modulate the TUNER knob with an external signal (-5V – +5V)
  • 3 audio line outputs (LEFT, RIGHT, SUM)
  • 2 antennas (telescopic for FM/SW and ferrite loop for AM)
  • Eurorack module 8HP


Radio Bands:

  • FM Radio (88 – 108 MHz)
  • AM Radio (520 – 1710 kHz)
  • SW Band 1 (2,3 – 2,5 MHz)
  • SW Band 2 (3,9 – 4,0 MHz)
  • SW Band 3 (5,6 – 6,4 MHz)
  • SW Band 4 (6,8 – 7,6 MHz)
  • SW Band 5 (9,2 – 10,0 MHz)
  • SW Band 6 (11,6 – 12,2 MHz)


The VCRadio is available to pre-order for € 149.00, with shipping planned for November 2023.




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