Update Sequential Take 5 , Now in Beta, Expands Patch Storage, adds New Synthesis Options
Sequential has announced a firmware update for it’s Take 5 synthesizer that expands patch storage, adds new synthesis options and more.
New in Take 5 firmware v1.0.0.10:
- New Feature: Additional 8 Banks of program locations. Banks 9-G can be accessed holding the bank button and pressing numeric button 9-16.
- New Feature: Envelope repeat for envelopes 1 and/or 2. Accessed in the prog-level parameters menu.
- New Feature: Alternate tuning per patch. Accessed in the prog-level parameters menu.
- New Feature: Oscillator 2 filter bypass mode. Accessed in the prog-level parameters menu.
- New Feature: Sequencer start/stop from foot pedal. Accessed in global foot function parameter.
- New Feature: Vintage added as a mod destination.
- New Feature: LFO 1 and 2 slew rate. Accessed in prog-level parameters menu.
- New Feature: LFO rate displayed on-screen when frequency updated and LFO sync active.
Firm update is available now via the Sequential website.