This Combo is Better Than Classic Roland Jupiter-8
Synthesist Starsky Carr – in his latest video – takes a look at the combination of the Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter and the Retroaktiv Super Controller, which he describes as the “Superer Jupiter”.
Can it really beat the classic Roland Jupiter-8, which now goes for $20,000+ used?
Watch the video and share your thoughts in the comments!
Video Summary:
“The Roland MKS-80 Super Jupiter is often labelled as an enhanced Jupiter 8 in a box – even Vintage Synth Explorer calls it something like that. Here I look at it along with the Retroaktiv Super Controller.. which really does feel like it brings the instrument up to date and makes it a whole lot easier to use. Essentially if you’re thinking of buying an MKS80 or if you’ve got one you never really use… GET ONE OF THESE. They’re cheaper than the original MPG80 controllers, and blow them out of the water as far as functionality is concerned.
I forgot to mention the build quality… which is excellent. Everything has that old school hardware feel. The buttons are lovely and clicky, the knobs are boltwd to the chassis,the sliders feel nicer than my jupiter or Odyssey. No complaints there.”