The Basics Of Subtractive Synthesis For Beginners

In the video, synthesist Starsky Carr offers his take on the basics of subtractive synthesis for beginners.

If you aren’t sure where to get started when it comes to making your own synth sounds, this tutorial covers subtractive synthesis, which is at the heart of most modern and vintage synths.

“Over 99% of synthesizers use the same fundamental building blocks,” notes Carr, “and the secret to programming synths is that they’re all pretty much the same. Learn the basics and everything else falls into place.”

Topics covered:

0:00 Really? Any Synth?

5:21 1. Oscillators

9:24 2. Filters

11:29 3. Envelopes

13:48 Make an Acid Sound

14:31 Program a Funky Bass

15:21 Create a Sequence Bass

15:45 A ‘real’ electric bass (not a synth bass… well it is…)

16:21 Pianos and Keys

18:59 Rich Pads and Strings

21:44 Tricks with Resonance

23:01 4. Pumping Filters with the LFO

24:38 Juno DS Menu Diving – It’s all there

27:44 Performance Controls

28:22 what to do with 2 envelopes

30:19 You Got This.. More complex tones with 2 oscillators

39:40 Arpeggiators – Quick Look with Stranger Things

41:54 Was that OK?

43:24 Intro Track.. now you can do it


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