Synthstrom Audible Deluge includes Torrent of Updates with New Open Source Firmware

Synthstrom Audible’s Ian Jorgensen lets us know that Deluge Community Firmware v1.0.0 (Amadeus) – open-source firmware for the Deluge – is now available.

The open firmware runs on all hardware versions of the Deluge (7SEG and OLED), and includes a torrent of updates, including:

  • Automation View
  • Drum Keyboard View
  • Grid (Session) View
  • Master Compressor
  • Stereo Chorus Effect
  • Grain FX
  • Wavefold Distortion Effect
  • New LFO Shapes: Random Walk and Sample & Hold
  • New Sync Modes: Triplets & Dotted
  • Probability by Row
  • Quantize & Humanize
  • Norns Layout
  • Manual Slicing aka ‘Lazy Chopping’
  • Load Synth presets into Kits
  • Display Gold Encoder Values
  • Quick Scroll
  • New LPF/HPF State Variable Filters: SVF Notch and SVF Bandpass
  • Filter Routing is accessible via the Sound Editor menu
  • Quantized Stutter
  • Increased Modulation resolution
  • Sticky Shift
  • Adjust Metronome volume
  • Batch Delete Kit Rows
  • Send and Receive SYSEX messages


“At Synthstrom, we are blown away by all of this,” notes Jorgensen. “We can’t wait for all of our users to try these new features.”

View the project website for details.


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