SUPERBOOTH 2022: Silhouette Eins Optical Synthesizer turns Visuals into Sound in Real Time



At Superbooth 2022, inventor Pit Przygodda debuted the Silhouette Eins Optical Synthesizer. The Silhouette Eins is a new type of synthesizer that translates images into sound in real time.


The user interface consists of an on-monitor Plexiglass hardware controller, which addresses 4 software pages. Objects placed on the light table create the source audio waveforms in real time.


In addition, 20 potentiometers and 21 buttons give you direct access to key functions. All values are shown directly behind and around the controlling potentiometer or button.


The Silhouette Eins builds on earlier designs, like Daphne Oram’s Oramics machine, but uses modern technology to allow for greater immediacy and interactivity.


The Silhouette Eins Optical Synthesizer is available now for €3800.



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