Superbooth 2021: Free Update Adds Stack & Split To Sequential Prophet-10, Prophet-5
Sequential today introduced OS version 2.0, a free firmware update for the Prophet-5 and Prophet-10 synthesizers.
You can now turn your Prophet-5 synth into a Prophet-10
The update adds Stack and Split capability, a new feature not covered in the main User’s Guide. This promises to be an “easy-to-install” add-on, and is designed to to enable full compatibility with the new version (2.0) of the Prophet-5/10 OS, which adds bi-timbral, stack and split capabilities to the synths.
With this installed on either an upgraded Prophet-5 or a Prophet-10, you can stack two different programs together to create more complex sounds. Each program is allocated five voices of polyphony, enabling five-note bi-timbral operation.
OS 2.0 also includes new voice management commands that you can access through an additional “3rd row” of Global commands.
If you would rather, you can split the keyboard into two separate performance zones, each with a different program. So, you could play a bass sound with your left hand and a lead part with your right, for example.
“We’re excited to bring stack and split capability to 10-voice Prophets,” said Sequential founder Dave Smith. “It gives even more musical versatility to an already awesome-sounding instrument. Musicians are going to love the sound design possibilities of bi-timbral stacks. And players will be able to make good use of splits in live performance.”
The OS update is available now as a free download. If you are a Prophet-5 owner who’s tempted by the upgrade, you can buy the voice expansion card directly from Sequential for $899. This comes with full installation instructions, and is compatible with both keyboard and desktop models of the Prophet-5 .
Find out more on the Sequential website.