Sonicware introduces Liven Mega Synthesis Retro Game Music Composer

Sonicware has introduced a new instrument in its Liven line, the Mega Synthesis Retro Game Music Composer.

The Mega Synthesis is designed to be an all-in-one chiptune system, inspired by the Sega Mega Drive from the 1988, aka the Sega Genesis. Sonicware says that it has “faithfully recreated the 4-operator FM sound module, the 8-bit PCM sound module, and the “SN76489″ PSG (Programmable Sound Generator) sound module used by the original console.”


  • 6-Track Sequencer
  • 10 Types of Effects.
  • YM2612 FM synth x 3 tracks (6 voices)
  • SN76489 PSG synth x 2 tracks (4 voices)
  • 8-bit PCM sampler x 1 track (3 voices)
  • 320 FM game sounds
  • 64 drum kits
  • Sound banks by composer Yuzo Koshiro

Yuzo Koshiro Preset Pattern Demos:

Mega Synthesis Audio Demos:

The Mega Synthesis is available to pre-order for $239, and is expected to ship starting Jan 11, 2024.


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