Roland D-50 Vintage Synth Review

In the latest synth4ever video offers a review of the Roland D-50, a vintage digital synth from 1987.

The D-50 is a 16-voice polyphonic synthesizer, based on Roland’s LA (Linear Arithmetic) synthesis engine, which combines samples, virtual analog synthesis and integrated effects. The synth engine offered innovative capabilities and new sonic possibilities when it was introduced, which helped make it a hit for the company.

Video summary:


“In this synthesizer review of the Roland D-50, I provide an overview of the synth, it’s digital sample-based linear arithmetic synthesis engine, play Roland D-50 sounds, and provide my final thoughts on the Roland D50 including pros and cons.”

Topics covered:

00:00 – Intro

01:15- Overview

14:12 – Sounds & Patches

30:27 – Pad Sound Design

32:49 – Pros

36:42 – Cons

40:12 – Final Thoughts



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