Protons and Neutrons, features Music Of Modular Synthesists


Electronic music label DiN has released a new album in their Tone Science series, new compilation which focuses on musicians working with modular synthesizers.


The series offers a fantastic view into the possibilities of modern modular synthesis, featuring musicians from around the world who work with modular systems. But, while the series covers a huge variety of music, each entry in the series is themed around a different concept. And they’re all curated by synthesist and DiN label head Ian Boddy, who gives each album a coherence and flow that takes it beyond a compilation of tracks to being more of a sonic journey.


Tone Science Module No.6 Protons and Neutrons DiN:TS06 features nine tracks, from musicians of varying backgrounds working in the realms of modular synthesis. It includes tracks from both modular synth pioneers like Steve Roach and a younger generation of modular users, like Sarah Belle Reid. And the music ranges from soothing minimal ambience to generative soundscapes, making connections between genres that might otherwise seem disparate.


DiN says that the compilation “continues the journey down the rabbit hole of possibilities and sound worlds inhabited by artists and musicians working in this ever fascinating and varied musical field.”


DiN’s Tone Science series offers a sonic masterclass in the state of the art of modular synthesis, and a fantastic foundation for anyone wanting to build a library of modular electronic music.


Protons and Neutrons is available now via Bandcamp.


Preview the album below:


Track listing:

01 Prisms by James Bernard 8:11

02 Vänta by Elin Piel 6:59

03 Eddy Currents by Field Lines Cartographer 8:54

04 Contradictory Forecasts by Sarah Belle Reid 8:23

05 Waving In Harmony by Adrian Beasley 7:15

06 Upward by Elinch 7:28

07 Random Possibilities by Steve Roach 6:29

08 In The Shadow Of Giants by Ombient 6:32

09 The Mutation Trio by Doug Lynner 9:01


Total Time: 69:28






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