Pittsburgh Modular TAIGA Keyboard Review

The latest Sonic State Sonic Lab video offers an in-depth review of the new Pittsburgh Modular TAIGA Keyboard.

The new synth builds on PM’s Taiga synth module, adding full-sized keys, additional modulation, a unique modular expansion bay, and more.

“The extra size does make more sense of this instrument for performing and working on sounds,” notes Sonic State synth guru Nick Batt. “We would like to have seen a legato envelope mode, currently every note triggers the envelope, not something you can fix with an extra module, and a couple of the knobs response are quite sensitive – notably envelope release is somewhat on even with a small adjustment at the start of it’s travel, ditto FM depth for the oscillators. However this is consistent across both Taiga models.

“However, having the blend of complex West Coast style Oscillators, a multimode filter AND a resonant Low Pass Gate really gives a wide palette of sounds for the curious synthesist,” he adds.

Watch the review and share your thoughts on the TAIGA Keyboard in the comments!


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