New Buchla-Format Algorithmic Oscillator is like Mutable Instruments Plaits on Steroids

1979 has introduced the Algorithmic Oscillator (AO), a Buchla-format VCO based on Plaits by Mutable Instruments.

The successor to the 1979 DAO, the AO has more knobs, more parameters, and more I/O than the DAO, plus features not available on the original Plaits module.

The company calls the AO “an ideal standalone voice module for small Buchla systems.”


  • High-fidelity digital oscillator (48 kHz, 16 bit)
  • 16 synthesis algorithms
  • Auxiliary output with complementary audio signal
  • Internal VCF/A with variable LPG mode
  • Voltage-controlled decay envelope*
  • Dedicated knobs for envelope decay and VCF/A amplitude*
  • Pitch quantizer (12-TET and Octave options)*
  • Inverting attenuators for all CV inputs (0-10V range)*
  • Envelope CV output (0-10V range)*

* Upgraded features not available on Plaits

The Algorithmic Oscillator is available now for $775.

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