Michigan Synth Works Gnot Synth Sneak Preview (EDP Gnat Clone)

Michigan Synth Works has shared this sneak preview of their upcoming Gnot DIY synthesizer.

Though details are to be announced, apparently the Gnot appears to be closely modeled on the Electronic Dream Plant (EDP) Gnat synthesizer, a low-budget synth design from 1980. Even though the Gnat has a limited synth engine, paired with cheap build quality, it’s a fun synth, that sounds good and has an iconic look.

The Gnot has a knockoff name, but looks to be a faithful, full-size clone of the original.

A barebones Gnot PCB Kit is available now for $200.

The company plans to also offer a Gnot case, knobs and other parts in the Fall. Details are to come at the Michigan Synth Works website.

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