Make Noise Spectraphon Update Adds New Synthesis Options

Make Noise has released Spectraphon firmware version sp67, an update that adds several interesting new features.

New in Spectraphon firmware version sp67:

  • Linear Array Modulation! In SAO, the Slide parameter now selects from all spectra in the Array in a linear fashion. The Focus control is used for spectral compression/expansion. The original Planar Modulation style is still available. To access, while in SAO hold SHIFT for 2 seconds without pressing any other buttons. This operation is per-Side.
  • New Ramp LFO Shape on Sub/CV Outputs. Select shapes by hold Shift + Press CV on the Side you’re selecting for. Ramp is useful for Linear Array Modulation (patch to Slide with attenuverter set north of midnight) and plenty of other uses.
  • CV output LFOs’ minimum clock rate increased to 8 seconds, via tap tempo on Shift button, or clock input.

The updated firmware is available now at the Make Noise site.

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