Larix-Elektro introduces 4 Eurorack Modules

Larix-Elektro – New Eurorack maker – let us know that they have introduced four Eurorack modules:

  • RITOURNELLE CV Generator
  • RITOURNELLE Shift-R extension module

Here are the details on each:

The RITOURNELLE CV Generator enables you generate CV sequences, up to 16 steps, using four parameters:

  • The number of steps NB from 1 to 16; and
  • 3 parameters adjusting the sequence.

Each of the 4 parameters has its own CV entry, meaning that you can dynamically vary the sequence using CVs.

Two expansion modules are available, the AttV-4 and Shift-R.

The CONTROLE AttV-4 is a bank of 4 Attenuverters that can be used in several ways, including:

  • 4 independent Attenuverters;
  • 4 input mixer, with the SUM output; and
  • 1 to 4 signal dispatcher, with the MAIN IN input.

The RITOURNELLE Shift-R is an extension for the CV Generator, that adds 8 triggers out.

It converts the 8 bits that are used to generate the CV output of the module, into 8 outputs: 1 per bit.

The RITOURNELLE TRIG Generator is a Trig sequencer. It has 8 steps, which can be modified using a single parameter – using Euclidean rhythms and other techniques.

The number of steps is adjustable, as well as the choice of the first step.

Details on the 4 new modules are available at the Larix-Electro website.

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