Kiviak Instruments WoFi Cloud-Connected Sample-Based Synthesizer Now Available to Pre-order

Romain Giannetti of Kiviak Instruments has launched a Kickstarter project to fund production of the WoFi, a cloud-connected sampling synthesizer that they say is both WiFi and lo-fi.

The WoFi is a 10-voice polyphonic sampling synth, with built-in sampling, the ability to emulate classic samplers, plus the ability to load samples directly from the Internet. They call it “the first lofi connected sampler”.

It also can run on battery power and has built-in speakers, so you can use it anywhere.


  • Record samples effortlessly with the internal microphone or the stereo input
  • Play any recorded sample chromatically with 10-voice polyphony
  • Transform the sample with the different emulated sample players and the rich synthesizer interface with: an envelope, a low-pass filter, an LFO, etc…
  • Bring “sparkles” to your sound with Texturer
  • Sequence notes and parameters and play along with it
  • Use it on the go with its internal battery, microphone, and speaker
  • I/O for midi, cv/gate, audio, and analog sync. All the signal flows go two ways: inward and outward; you can configure it however you want.
  • Get samples and patches from or share yours directly using the internal WiFi chipset
  • “Sleek interface”, without menu diving

WoFi Audio Demos:

The WoFi is available to project backers, starting at €599 (about $632).

*Note: Crowdfunding projects involve risk. See the project website for details.


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