Groove Synthesis 3RD WAVE In-Depth Review
Host Ziv Eliraz, in his latest loopop video, takes an in-depth look at the Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave, a keyboard synthesizer that is like a modern take on the classic PPG Wave.
3rd Wave is a 24-voice, 4-part multi-timbral wavetable synth, with 3 oscillators per voice, analog low-pass filters, a state-variable filter, 6-stage wave envelopes per oscillator, and an industry-first Wavemaker tool that allows users to create custom wavetables in a single step, through proprietary sample-to-wave technology.
Watch the video and share your thoughts on the 3rd Wave in the comments!
Topics covered:
0:00 Intro
2:10 Overview
3:45 Build & I/O
6:25 Param tabs
7:45 Oscillators
8:45 Waveflow
12:10 Wave surfer
12:45 V-Analog
13:45 Sync
14:00 FM
15:05 SV Filter
16:30 LP Filter
18:05 Res comp
19:20 Pan spread
19:40 Effects
23:20 Wave Env
25:00 LFOs
26:35 Envelopes
27:55 Mod matrix
30:45 Multi-parts
32:15 Arp
33:25 Sequencer
35:55 Wave Maker
37:35 Unison
38:15 Misc menus
38:55 Pros, cons
43:20 Outro, sounds