Floating Knobs Intros Cuisine 12-Track Eurorack Performance Sequencer
Floating Knobs, new Eurorack maker – has announced a new step sequencer that’s designed to be used both standalone or as part of a Eurorack system, Cuisine.
The Cuisine Step Sequencer features 12 tracks. Each track can have its own length of up to 64 steps and its own track clock division settings. You can save 8 patterns per track, and there are 16 banks for storing patterns.
- User-customizable scale that can be deactivated independently on each track
- Main transpose feature for easy chord progression within the selected scale?
- Override/Performance mode for performing a track as a sequenced arpeggiator
- Individual gate length control per step, as well as a track-specific gate length relative to the next note
- Euclidean rhythm generator for generating complex rhythmic patterns
- Velocity control, including the track’s main base velocity and the track’s main accent velocity for more expressive sequencing
- Drum track with full-range velocity per step
- Playmode options, which can be regular or gate
- 4 CV (Control Voltage) outputs ranging from 0 to 8V
- 8 gates/triggers outputs with a voltage range of 0 to 5V
- 4 gates inputs
- MIDI TRS input and output
- USB-C port for power and firmware updates
Cuisine is available now for €450.
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