Flight of Harmony Facehugger Module can be used as a Sequencer, Gate Sequencer, Envelope Generator, LFO and More

Flight of Harmony has launched a Kickstarter project to fund production of Facehugger, an all-analog, addressable, non-linear function generator in Eurorack format.

It outputs up to eight different control voltage levels, with levels set by the LED sliders, in a sequence determined by a control signal.

Depending on how you use it, Facehugger can be used as a:

  • Control Voltage (CV) Sequencer
  • Gate Sequencer
  • Arpeggio Generator
  • Envelope Generator
  • Burst Generator
  • Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO)

Multiple units can be chained together for longer patterns or for synchronizing to generate chords, via a rear chaining header.

The rear Ramp out pin can be used as a synch oscillator, or even – when using an external drive waveform – as a separate, fully-controllable LFO with adjustable curvature.

The Facehugger also has a rear expansion header for a separate expander module that provides individual level out jacks, individual gate out jacks, a master Gate in jack, and a ramp out jack.

Production of Facehugger is being funded via a Kickstarter project, and it is available to backers from $158 for a kit version or $285 assembled.

*Note: Crowd-funded projects can involve risk. See the project website for details.

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