Complete Guide to Behringer TD-3 Bassline Synthesizer

The latest XNB video is a complete guide to the Behringer TD-3 bassline synthesizer, a knockoff of the classic Roland TB-303 that makes some useful updates to the original design.


Behringer says that the analog circuitry is ‘an authentic reproduction of the original circuitry with matched transistors’. The TD-3 expands on the original, though, adding USB/DIN MIDI In/Out, some basic CV/Gate features and built-in distortion.

Topics covered:

0:00 – Intro

0:31 – Synth Controls

04:41 – Distortion

07:16 – Tracks VS Patterns

11:54 – Create pattern

21:09 – Deep into tie & rest

30:19 – Accent, Slide

37:13 – Edit/Add notes

41:35 – Steps Length & A/B

47:06 – Copy/Paste

48:46 – Triplets

55:07 – Tap, Random, Transpose

59:15 – Creating Track

01:10 – Patch bay

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