Bucharest Modular Meet 2023 Coming Oct 28th, Saturday

Organizers of Bucharest Modular Meet 2023 – a celebration of cables, knobs and synths – let us know that this year’s event is coming Saturday, Oct 28th.


Bucharest Modular Meet 2023 will feature a variety of events:

  • Show and Tell: Bring your modular setup and share your sonic creations, experiments, and favorite patches with the community. It’s a hands-on opportunity to learn, inspire, and collaborate with fellow synth enthusiasts.
  • Live and Experimental Music: Immerse yourself in a world of live performances that transcend boundaries. From ambient soundscapes to avant-garde experiments, expect a diverse range of musical experiences that’ll challenge your auditory senses.
  • Contemporary Art Integration: Explore the intersection of modular synthesis and contemporary art. We’re bringing together the worlds of sound and visuals, creating an immersive experience that pushes the boundaries of creativity.
  • Community Engagement: This event is by the community, for the community. Get involved in any way you desire, whether it’s performing, sharing knowledge, or simply connecting with fellow synth aficionados. We’re all here to learn and grow together.

The event is open to everyone and free. “Our aim is to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, where everyone can explore the world of modular synthesis,” say the organizers.


See the event’s Instagram or Facebook page for details.

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