Black Corporation Intros Jupiter-8 Inspired ISE-NIN Synthesizer
Black Corporation is bringing back the Jupiter-8 and with extra features.
Black Corporation, makers of Deckards Dream Mk2, Xerxes and Kijimi poly synths, updated on its Instagram, announcing the ISE-NIN, a reimaging of the Roland Jupiter-8.
The eight-voice poly will includes some extra features added to this 2021 version.
The ISE-NIN will also feature full MPE support and micro tuning by ODDSound, to go alongside those sumptuous filters and rich VCOs that made Roland onetime flagship synth the classic we all love.
There is no audio or video of the ISE-NIN in action. The ISE-NIN will land by the end of the year.
However, preorders will start next week. Details are to come at Black Corporation website .
The name ISE-NIN, is to Russian poet Sergei Yesenin.