Behringer teases Roland Juno-60 Knockoff, the ‘Neptune-80’
Behringer has announced a Roland Juno-60 knockoff, the ‘Neptune-80’.
Behringer Neptune-80 copies the synth architecture and look of the Juno-6/60, but reduces the size of the control panel and uses a 4-octave keyboard, instead of the 5-octave keyboard of the original. It appears that Behringer may be basing the Neptune-80 dimensions on the Deepmind 12’s form factor.
The original Juno-6/60 has a simple voice architecture, with a single Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO) per voice. But, while its voice architecture is basic, the synth is very well designed, sounds great and has an extremely user-friendly interface.
It looks like the Neptune-80 will retain much of what has made the original popular, while adding MIDI and upping polyphony to 8 voices.
What Behringer say about the Neptune-80:
“So, for years you guys have been urging us to build one of the most sought after synths. We managed to resist for a long time, but we finally gave in;-)
Here is the fully working prototype of our Neptune-80, an 8-voice polyphonic synth with original analog matrix, BBD chorus and modern user interface such as LCD Display, USB/Midi etc.
We modeled it after the best sounding 6/60 version and we absolutely love the sound.”
Behringer Neptune-80 pricing and availability details are still to be announced. The synthesizer in the teaser images is an engineering prototype, and manufacturing is dependent on Behringer being able to obtain parts in production quantities.
Check out the images and let us know what you think of the Behringer Neptune-80 in the comments!