Behringer introduces Four LFO Eurorack Module, a Knockoff of the XAOC Batumi

Behringer has introduced a new Eurorack module, the Four LFO.

The Four LFO seems to be a knockoff of the XOAC Batumi, which is a fully voltage-controlled, quadruple digital LFO module that offers some unique features.

Key features appear to be the same as the Batumi:

  • Four voltage controlled LFOs
  • Free, quadrature, phase and divide modes
  • Assignable waveform outputs
  • Assignable reset/tap tempo inputs

The Behringer version appears to be a fairly straight copy, but it looks like it combines the features of the Batumi and the Batumi expander module, Poti.

XAOC shared this response via Facebook:

“To all the pathetic parasites around: imitation is the highest form of flattery…”

Details on Behringer FOUR LFO pricing and availability are to be announced.


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