Baltica for Modal COBALT8 Synthesizer


Free sound set for the Modal Cobalt 8 synthesizer.


The company, Modal Electronics has released Baltica, a new sound set for their COBALT8 line of synthesizers.


The Baltica, created in collaboration with sound designer Soundsauca, is available now as a free download from both Modal and  Soundsauca.


Here’s what they have to say about it:

“BALTICA includes one hundred synth patches. Music producers and synth performers can play and record with the massive array of warm basses, wide pads, energizing plucks, and soaring leads and new avant-garde synth textures that take full advantage of the unique Extended Virtual-Analogue synth engine with 34 sophisticated algorithms, the morphable 4-pole Ladder Filter and the comprehensive modulation matrix.”


The COBALT8 is available in three variants, with 37 or 61 keys and as rack module.




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