Analogue Solutions introduces Ample Matrix Synthesizer, New Synth with ‘Genuine Old-School Sound’

Analogue Solutions has introduced Ample, an analog matrix synthesizer that they say “combines the best elements of several of our recent products”, including:

  • The sound elements of Fusebox
  • Jack patch points of Concussor Eurorack
  • Patch pin matrix of Vostok
  • Echo from Dr Strangelove
  • Sequencer and CV touch pads of Generator

Aside from MIDI support, the company say everything else is “totally analogue, using real transistors and op-amps”. There are no CPU-stabilised and quantised circuits, no DCOs, no digital LFOs and no digital EGs.

The circuitry is based on designs dating back to the mid-1970s, so they say that Ample has “a genuine old sound”.


  • 3x Analogue Oscillators
  • VCO3 can easily be used as a LFO
  • 2x Analogue Low Frequency Oscillator
  • LFO2(/Sync) has a triangle wave output
  • CO3 can be used as an LFO and has Saw, Triangle and Square wave modulation signals
  • Analog Filter – four pole 24bB per octave low pass filter.
  • The VCA can be set to THRU so it is always ‘open’. This allows Ample to be used as an effects processor.
  • 2x Analog Envelopes
  • MIDI support – they say that “MIDI is intentionally kept simple, so you can concentrate on making new sounds and making music, not getting tied up with SYSEX programming. You get the all-important control over filter cut-off using MIDI Velocity.”
  • Patchable External CV Control Sockets
  • Sequencer – Ample has a vintage-style 16-step sequencer.
  • Touch Keys – There are 6 touch keys that each output a set voltage.
  • Echo

First look video from Starsky Carr:

Analogue Solutions Ample is available now for £1999.


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