333 New Wavestate Presets of the Korg Wavestate Synthesizer


New Sound Library showcases range of the Korg Wavestate Synthesizer


Ultimate Patches has introduced a new sound library, 333 New Wavestate Presets, that showcases the sonic range of the Korg Wavestate synthesizer.


The collection features three volumes of Wavestate presets, each offering 111 sounds. You can preview the patches via the above video.


While Korg markets the Wavestate primarily for its modern implementation of Wave Sequencing synthesis, the synth has a deep synth engine that’s capable of recreating classic subtractive synthesis sounds and much more. This collection showcases a completely different side of the Wavestate than the official presets.


333 New Wavestate Presets is available now for $33.99, regular price $59.


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