1st. Tiptop Audio ART-Equipped Polyphonic Eurorack Modules Now Available

Today, Tiptop Audio announced that they’ve released the first set of ART-equipped modules, which feature a new patching system that they say “makes polyphonic patching effortless.”

ART establishes a new signal standard in Eurorack systems, just like CV Gate and 1V/Oct. ART modules are Eurorack modules and use Eurorack signal levels for oscillator audio and gate/cv controls, the same power connector, and are designed to blend into any Eurorack system. But they also include ‘Polytip’ connectors, which are connected using special Polytip patch cables.

Tiptop is starting with the release of the ATX1 Analog VCO, Vortex Digital OSC, Octopus USB/MIDI interface, ART V/OCT Quantizer, and Control Path dual analog envelopes plus VCA.

Official intro explains how ART-equipped modules work:

Here’s A deep dive into the world of the Octopus ART interface:

In addition to making the ART-equipped modules, Tiptop Audio plans to publish information for both DIYers and module makers on how to implement ART, including a free reference design that adds ART to Mutable Instruments Braids and Plaits.

The first batch of ART modules is available now, and Tiptop is also offering discounted bundles of ART modules. Details available on the Tiptop Audio website.


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