Tsugi releases GameSynth 2023.1, A Major Update to the Procedural Sound Design Tool
Tsugi has released GameSynth 2023.1, the latest generation of their procedural sound design tool.
GameSynth provides a powerful audio tool set for creating the types of sound effects needed in games, animations, and movies: impacts, whooshes, footsteps, engines, particle-based sounds, environmental sounds, voice effects and more. It also provides an extensive patching environment, allowing designers to build custom sound effects synthesizers using 130+ synthesis modules.
New in GameSynth 2023:
- Video playback synchronized with the drawing of sounds using the mouse. This offers a new and intuitive way to design sound to picture.
- The GameSynth API to interface GameSynth with other creative tools: Unity, Blender, Reaper, Pure Data… Check all the details here.
- Integration with Soundly, the popular sound effects platform.
- Improved patching workflow in GameSynth’s extensive modular environment (130+ modules).
- Support for the latest version of the UCS (Universal Category System).
The update is free for current users, and new users can purchase the software with an introductory discount of 30% until June 30th.
GameSynth is available with an intro price of $273 through June 30th (normally $390).