Spitfire Audio introduces British Drama Toolkit: Brass and Reeds

Spitfire Audio has introduced British Drama Toolkit: Brass and Reeds, a new sound library that focuses on scoring with the sounds of brass and reed instruments.

Recorded in Castlesound Studios in Edinburgh, Scotland, the sound library features a selection of solo brass and woodwind instruments — from contrabassoon, saxophone and flugelhorn, to recorders, and more; Combi patches (curated combinations of instruments, split into various layers across the keyboard); and Ensembles (full section ensembles) and solo instruments.

The intro video above features an extended hands-on demo from composer Homay Schmitz.


What they say about it:

“Instantly sparking inspiration on first play, it’s every composer’s dream — the ability to finish a whole cue within a single patch. Made in collaboration with award-winning composer Samuel Sim, intricately workshopped techniques from a range of solo brass and woodwind instruments (including saxophones, recorders and flugelhorn) are presented in various combinations, each offering a full spectrum of emotion and expression.

For anyone looking to embrace a new approach to scoring — and a fresh alternative to string instruments — this sophisticated toolkit offers instant creative freedom. Brass & Reeds intuitively matches the intensity at which your fingers hit the keyboard by selecting from three different velocity layers, layering textural beds with characterful, emotive lead lines — unlocking a world of sound in every patch.”

British Drama Toolkit: Brass and Reeds is available now with an intro price of $149 /€149 through April 6, 2023 (normally $199 / €199). Crossgrade options are also available.

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