Compusynth, New Mac Synthesizer, Combines West Coast Synthesis With ’70s Computing


Developer Giorgio Sancristoforo has introduced Compusynth, a new software synth for Mac that combines a ‘West Coast’ style modular synthesizer with a sequencer inspired by one of the first microcomputers in history, the Altair880.

Compusynth features a ‘peculiar 128 bit sequencer’, oscillators, filters, efxs and processors with flexible routing and 1596 patch points.


“Compusynth can make weird experimental sounds as well as traditional fat synth sequences that will serve any music genre with its warm and deep tone,” notes Sancristoforo. “Compusynth has everything I ever dreamt about west coast modulars: enough resources to create tons of sounds with the addition of a large memory sequencer and a fantastic tape echo.”

Official audio and video demos are still to come at the developer’s website, but they shared a sneak preview via Facebook:

Compusynth is available now for Mac for €19.50. A demo is available as a free download. A Windows version release is planned for Jan 2023.


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