Ardour 8.0 Open Source DAW Update Now Available, Here’s What’s New


Ardour 8.0 – a major update to the open source DAW for Linux, macOS + Windows – is now available.


What’s new in Ardour 8.0:


  • “Quick groups” – most mix-related controls now operate on all the selected tracks & busses
  • Manage sections of a song with arrangement markers. Define your verses, chorus, and bridge. Then rearrange or copy them as you wish.
  • Create persistent region groups in the editor window, to make multi-region editing easier.
  • Edit velocity easily on a dedicated automation lane whether it’s a single note or a chord.
  • Draw automation freely for any controller or press Control (Command) key to enable line-drawing mode. You can also combine free and line segments as you draw just by pressing and releasing the Ctrl/Cmd key.
  • Fit the tempo map to a human performance, with a new dedicated tool.
  • If (e.g. drum) note names are available for a plugin instrument or external device (via a MIDNAM file), see those names in the all-new MIDI track header.
  • Use Novation Launchpad Pro in DAW/Session mode (along with the standalone Sequencer, Note and Chord modes).
  • Create new interesting progressions with arpeggiator plugins.


Ardour 8 is available now to download, as both a ready-to-run program and as source code.

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