M-Audio Keystation 88ES
If you are scouting for Piano like 88-note Keyboard, then the M-Audio Keystation 88es is a good choice. The velocity sensitive and Semi -Weighted Action USB MIDI Controller is a portable keyboard weighing merely 22 pounds. The 88es incorporates a controller necessary requirements i.e., pitch and two modulation wheels, one slider, three advanced buttons for playing, programming Samplers, synthesizers, sounds, to name a few.
Take note, the 88es keyboard is merely a controller, therefore, it does not comes with many rhythms and sounds. You need to download music software to produce varieties of sounds. With different music software, different results can be accomplished. Nevertheless, the Keystation 88es comes with music production software (Ableton Live Lite), enabling users to create music on the spot. The 88es is also compatible with all standard music software on computer and Class compliancy with Windows XP, Vista (32 bit), and Mac OS X to ensures easy plug-and-play setup. Just plug the 88es into the USB port of your computer and it will be recognize immediately and you can start playing.
The full 88-key is good enough for professionals in a studio environment and affordable for serious students who require a very simple to operate and the full 88-key. The Piano like M-Audio Keystation 88es is a least expensive way to obtain an 88-key Controller minus the slim, lightweight and tough design.