Kurzweil SP76 II Stage Piano
The Kurzweil SP76 Mark II Stage Piano features 76-key Semi-weighted keyboard, 128 Preset sounds , 4 zones including Splits and Layers, Assignable Control knob, Effects, Pitch and modulation wheels. The Stage Piano is an entry level piano which delivers the highest quality sounds.
The Kurzweil SP76 II is a preset stage piano with 128 programs migrated from Kurzweil Flagship sounds, including acoustic pianos, electric pianos, basses, strings, guitars, drums, synths, ensembles, and many more. The SP76 II can do splits and layers up to 4 zones and setting up zones with split and layers is as fast and simple as configuring four separate zones. It has an assignable control knob that can control timbre and add effects.
Play both piano and synth parts simultaneously and you will love the way the Kurzweil SP76 II keybed feels, offering you enough resistance for piano-style parts, while also providing the fast response you need for synth lines. Weighing less than 20 lbs, the compact and sleek stage piano is comfortable enough for pianists to play piano, small and lightweight enough to make it as portable as it can be for musicians’ live performances.
Digital Pianos