Winter Plankton Zaps Firmware Update Enables You Quickly Create Custom Percussion Sounds
Plankton Electronic’s Alex Ballester let us know that the Winter Plankton Zaps firmware has been updated to V1.1.
Zaps is a Eurorack percussion module, featuring an analog voice designed by Plankton Electronics, digital control designed by Winter Modular and an interface designed by Miguel Angel Martínez.
The update adds new randomize template modes for quickly creating bass drums, snares, and other percussion sounds; simultaneous control of both oscillators (for melodic lines); a new trigger delay setting; a screen saver and more.
New in Winter Plankton Zaps firmware v1.1:
- New ‘Randomize’ templates for creating Sounds and Banks: Bass drum 1, Bass drum 2, Snare drum, Low drum toms, FM percussion, FM and AM percussion, Glass AM, Pitched FM tones, High tones, Multi-drum 1, Multi-drum 2, Chaos, Dirty 1, Dirty 2, Retrigger envelope 1, Retrigger envelope 2, and Full set template (for Banks).
- Simultaneous CV IN control for pitch 1 & 2: You can now control both oscillators with just one CV source.
- New Trigger delay setting: for all the Gate and CV sources that change the CV after rising the gate, we have added a configurable trigger delay, so once the trigger is received we wait x ms to read the CV.
- Screen saver: We added a new adjustable screen and energy saver following user requests.
- Now it’s possible to randomize a slots or banks via CV IN trigger.
- Added CV in control for Retrigger time and Slope type.
- Improved SLOT buttons behavior in MUTE, now we show both muted slots and playing slots (with a more intense light)
Zaps is available to pre-order for €535,00 The update is available as a free download.