Soundtoys announces VST3 Public Beta


Audio effects creator Soundtoys has announced the immediate availability of Soundtoys 5.3.8 – which includes support for VST3 – as a public beta for macOS and Windows.


What they say about it:


“We are excited to announce the immediate availability of Soundtoys 5.3.8 – which includes support for VST3 – as a public beta for macOS and Windows.


Soundtoys users can access the beta plug-ins at our public beta forum. To access the forum and the beta installers, please go to and create an account if you do not already have one. We know that this release is eagerly anticipated, especially by our Cubase 12 users on Apple Silicon. If you are not in need of VST3 support, we recommend that you wait for the official release.


If you have not yet purchased Soundtoys plug-ins because you are waiting on VST3 support, you can use these public beta versions now using the 30 day trial license.


We have been testing these versions with our beta team for many months in all DAWs, and now feel comfortable opening this up to the public as we complete our final rounds of testing. While we have done our best to provide a stable release, please note that these plug-ins are still in beta and may contain some bugs. We will be working as fast as we can to resolve any discovered issues and get to an official release ASAP.”


Find out more on the Soundtoys forum, including download links to the 5.3.8 public beta installers, release notes, and regular updates. Detailed information about the beta is also available.


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