Soundation’s Gennie brings automatic text-to-audio sample generation to its online DAW


A new standard in AI music.

You like it or not, AI music generators are now part of the audio production landscape, and now we have another, Gennie, that’s baked right into online DAW Soundation.

Powered by text prompts, this can quickly create a 12-second sample based on your descriptive words. This can then be used as an audio loop, played as an instrument via the Simple Sampler or loaded into the Soundation Beatmaker. As such, Soundation users now have a flexible AI engine on tap whenever they need it.

“By harnessing the power of generative AI and online music production, Gennie provides users with a unique avenue for musical exploration,” said Adam Hasslert, CEO of Soundation. “This groundbreaking integration sets a new standard in AI music, offering endless possibilities for creativity and expression.”

Gennie promises to create high-quality audio that’s free of the digital artefacts you often hear in AI-generated music, and is accessible within the Soundation studio as soon as you open it up. The number of times it can be used per month depends on the level of your subscription: there’s a free tier, along with Starter, Creator and Pro plans that cost £5, £10 and £30 a month respectively when you sign up for a year.

Find out more on the Soundation website.


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